This website is owned by:
bul. "Aleksandar Makedonski" no. 12
1000 Skopje
Republic of North Macedonia
Company Registration Number: 4053575
Email: [email protected]
Phone: + 389 2 310 40 00
ALKALOID AD Skopje (hereinafter "ALKALOID") thanks you for your interest in our products and for visiting our website (hereinafter "website"), as well as for your communication with us via e-mail. Accessing and using the ALKALOID website also means accepting the following terms.
The information provided on this website is of a public nature and is intended for informational purposes only and can not be considered as a public offer or an inclination to purchase goods, services or securities of ALKALOID AD Skopje or other affiliated companies, or should not serve as a basis for making any decisions (including investment) by partners and clients of the ALKALOID AD Skopje.
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ALKALOID constantly endeavors to ensure optimal operation and quality of the website, in order for the information to be accurate and up-to-date, as well as to remove occasional technical errors or inaccurate information in a timely manner. The perception of the information provided may depend on a variety of factors, including scientific, business, economic and financial, and in this regard visitors to this site should be aware of the risks associated with misinterpreting the information provided. Website visitors are aware that they access this site at their own risk, as well as any other website linked to this site. ALKALOID, as well as any other legal entity that participated in the development, realization and maintenance of this website, EXPLICITELY REJECTS liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damage arising or which may arise from the access, the use or the impossibility of using our site or the websites related to this website, as well as damaging the computer equipment or any other property of the user. ALKALOID rejects all liability for damage caused by direct or indirect action or inactivity you have undertaken based on the information, services or content of this website. While we making efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate, complete and timely, we make no representations or EXPLICITELY REJECT any liability for damage or loss arising from inaccurate, incomplete and untimely information on the website.
ALKALOID reserves the right at any time, for any reason and without prior notice to make changes to the content of the website or to terminate its operation completely, thus taking no responsibility for the possible consequences of such changes.
This website may be linked to other websites that you may access. ALKALOID rejects any responsibility and does not guarantee to visitors accessing the other websites for the accuracy, authenticity and, in general, of any other information contained on third party websites. We therefore recommend that visitors to these websites be informed of the terms of use and service, including the privacy policies applicable to these third party websites.
This website contains materials, including text, trademarks, photographs, films, PDFs and other images and sound, which are protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights. These rights are the property of ALKALOID or are licensed by the copyright holders to be used as part of this website. Any reproduction, transfer, copying, replication or use of these materials is not permitted without the written permission of ALKALOID. You must send the request for use to ALKALOID at the following e-mail address: [email protected]